Accepts most Phone, eCommerce, and Software Credit Repair businesses, they offer US merchant accounts, with integrated gateway and chargeback avoidance. An online application provides fast approvals. Accepts new businesses.
- Accepts Most Credit Repair
- Accepts New Businesses
- No Application Fee

A company that offers secure offshore merchant accounts via sponsor banks located throughout the world. Ideal for credit repair companies that don't have a US citizen as an owner.
- eCommerce Only
- Offshore Only
- $50k min. monthly volume
A company that boards over 90% of the high-risk businesses that apply, offers an easy and affordable solution for eCommerce and MoTo credit repair businesses.
- No Contract
- No Cancellation Fees
- Accepts New Non-Profits
Exclusively dealing with high-risk merchants, they're a good option for credit repair businesses. Unfortunately, they charge a $500 application fee.
- Accepts Credit Repair
- Offers Offshore Accounts
- Accepts Bad Credit
Best Credit Repair Merchant Services Options:
If you are starting or growing your existing credit repair business you need reliable ACH, debit, credit card processing at affordable and transparent rates. Unfortunately, that’s becoming increasingly difficult to do. If you’ve already started the search for a high-risk credit card processor processor that accepts credit repair companies, you’ve found out that there simply aren’t many, and even fewer that offer stable credit card processing accounts at affordable rates that won’t get shut down the first time you have a chargeback.
If you’ve been searching for a credit repair merchant account, you probably started out by talking to your bank, or one of the largest processors like First Data, or Chase Paymentech. What you may have heard from the low risk salesperson you spoke with is that they can write your business, and in fact, some are even able to get you approved. Unfortunately, what low risk processors don’t tell you, is that they aren’t prepared for the inevitable chargebacks that occur with even the best credit repair businesses, and so ultimately the account gets shut down and your funds frozen, leaving your business in the lurch. As a result, we recommend credit repair credit card processors that offer high-risk merchant accounts because while they cost a bit more, they’re stable.
Why is Credit Repair Considered High-Risk?
The credit repair industry is considered high-risk from a merchant account provider’s perspective due to the industry’s historically high chargeback rate. The reason for this, is two fold: (1) the inherent nature of the business is that customers often are a credit risk or in a tough financial position, and as a result, are prone to initiate chargebacks, and (2) some credit repair companies who didn’t know how to manage chargebacks, or who weren’t working with a knowledgeable high-risk processor and gateway that could help them manage and avoid chargebacks, have given the entire industry a bad reputation, and (3) some customers are looking for miracles and when you can’t deliver them, they initiate chargebacks. Despite all this, however, thankfully, there are still a few good options.
Domestic and Offshore Options works with a number of processors and gateway providers with sponsor bank relationships that provide both domestic and offshore credit repair merchant accounts. We can provide credit card processing for credit repair / credit restoration companies under the following two options:
US Credit Repair Merchant Account Requirements:
- US based company entity.
- US based company representative.
- US bank account
- Business operations can be based globally
Offshore / European Credit Repair Merchant Account Requirements:
- Minimum $50,000 USD per month in sales
- Company can be based anywhere
- No US or UK representative required
Pricing & Contract Terms
If you are looking for a credit repair merchant services provider, and want some additional help understanding your options, contact us via email or call us today to discuss establishing a merchant account for your credit repair business. We’ll discuss the following:
Pricing Available:
- Discount Rates ranging from 1.95% to 12.00%
- Authorization Rates ranging from: $0.20 to $1.00
- Monthly Fees: Rates ranging from $5.00 per month to $249.00 per month
Other Contract Terms:
- Rolling Reserve requirements ranging from: 0% rolling reserve, to 25% rolling reserve
- Holdback Periods: Typically 7 days
- Contract Length: Month to Month is available
- No Application Fee
- Direct funding with regular deposits (either daily or weekly depending on offshore v. onshore)
Additional Benefits:
Through our processing partners, we can also offer credit restoration and credit repair companies the following additional benefits:
- In house expert underwriting
- Same day approvals
- Multiple currency acceptance and deposits
- Compatible with most major gateways and shopping carts
- Visa / MasterCard / American Express Acceptance
- MOTO (phone / mail), eCommerce, and swipe accepted.
- Compatibility with over 50 processing gateways and virtual terminals
- Integration assistance with over 100 shopping carts
- Chargeback prevention & avoidance
- Chargeback fighting
- 3DS processing
- eCheck processing
- Online Gateways with chargeback prevention / screening
Types of Credit Repair Businesses Accepted:
MerchantNegotiators, through its partners, can provide credit card processing for a wide array of credit repair businesses. That includes credit restoration businesses that engage in outbound call solicitation, credit consultants, first party agencies, third party agencies, credit repair software companies, cloud based software, licensed, unlicensed, bonded, and unbonded credit repair agencies. Types of credit repair companies for which we can provide credit card processing include:
- Startup businesses and existing credit repair businesses
- Previously rejected or dropped by another processor
- High chargeback or bad credit merchants
- Merchants who appear on the TMF or Match List
- Processing Minimums: $0 Minimum for Domestic Accounts, $50,000 for Offshore Accounts
- Domestic (US entity, US business representative, US bank account) and Offshore
Contact Us To Obtain a Credit Repair Merchant Account
As a leader in providing references for credit restoration businesses to obtain merchant account services,’s expert team can help you receive a merchant account for your credit repair business in as little as 24 hours. Contact us today at 1-877-296-3690 to discuss your credit restoration company’s credit card processing options