Accepting ecommerce & recurring billing Nutraceutical businesses, they offer US & Offshore direct accounts, with integrated gateway and chargeback avoidance. Online application with fast approvals.
- Accepts Most Nutra
- Accepts New Businesses
- No Application Fee

Offers secure offshore merchant accounts via sponsor banks located throughout the world. Ideal for nutraceutical companies that need an offshore merchant account, and don't mind the higher prices.
- eCommerce Only
- Offshore Only
- $50k min. monthly volume
NetCom is a smaller ISO that focuses on personalized customer service. They primarily accept lower risk nutraceutical businesses with good processing history.
- Nutra Straight Sales
- BBB A+ Rated
- Friendly Service
Exclusively dealing with high-risk merchants, they're a good option for nutraceutical businesses. Unfortunately, they charge a $500 application fee.
- Accepts Nutra Continuity
- Offers Offshore Accounts
- Accepts Bad credit
Best Nutraceutical Merchant Services Options:
If you run or are starting an online or ecommerce nutraceutical website whether with straight sale or recurring billing you need a dependable credit card processor at affordable rates. Unfortunately, because of the evolving and nuanced regulatory environment within which nutraceutical businesses operate, few sponsor banks, and thus very few payment processors are able to provide nutraceutical companies with credit card processing. So, if you’ve started the hunt for a high-risk processor that accepts nutra companies, you’ve found out that there simply aren’t many, and even fewer that offer reliable credit card processing at affordable discount rates.
Why are Nutraceutical Businesses Considered High-Risk?:
That is because the nutraceutical industry is regarded as extremely high risk, due to the industry’s history with US regulators, and with respect to nutraceutical companies that offer a free trial offer or recurring billing, because of historically high chargeback rates. The reason for this, is: (1) the customer may not fully understand that they are signing up for a monthly, quarterly or annual recurring billing, when they see the bill on their statement, some of those people will always initiate a chargeback, and (2) some customers may not be happy with the product they receive, or the results that it generates, as a result these nutraceutical businesses will often see chargebacks. This has led to the industry being categorized as high risk, and fewer credit card processors being willing to provide merchant accounts for nutraceutical businesses.
Domestic and Offshore Options: works with a number of processors and gateway providers with sponsor bank relationships that provide both domestic and offshore nutraceutical accounts. We can provide credit card processing for nutraceutical companies under the following two options:
US Nutraceutical Merchant Account Requirements:
- US based company entity.
- US based company representative.
- US bank account
- Business can offer both shopping cart sale and recurring billing
Offshore / European Nutra Merchant Account Requirements:
- Minimum $50,000 USD per month in sales
- Company can be based anywhere
- No US or UK representative required
Pricing & Contract Terms:
If you are looking for a nutraceuticals merchant services provider, contact us via email or call us today to discuss establishing a merchant account for your nutraceutical business. We’ll discuss the following:
Pricing Available:
- Discount Rates ranging from 1.95% to 12.00%
- Authorization Rates ranging from: $0.15 to $1.00
- Monthly Fees: Rates ranging from $5.00 per month to $140.00 per month
Other Contract Terms:
- Rolling Reserve requirements ranging from: 0% rolling reserve, to 20% rolling reserve
- Holdback Periods: Typically 7 days
- Contract Length: Month to Month is available
- No Application Fee
- Direct funding with regular deposits (either daily or weekly depending on offshore v. onshore)
Additional Nutra Merchant Account Benefits:
Through our processing partners, we can also offer ecommerce and recurring billing nutraceutical businesses the following additional benefits:
- In house expert underwriting
- Same day approvals
- Multiple currency acceptance and deposits
- Compatible with most major gateways and shopping carts
- Visa / MasterCard / American Express Acceptance
- MOTO (phone / mail), eCommerce, and swipe accepted.
- Compatibility with over 50 processing gateways and virtual terminals
- Integration assistance with over 100 shopping carts
- Integrated Chargeback prevention & avoidance
- Chargeback fighting
- 3DS processing
- eCheck processing
- Online Gateways with chargeback prevention / screening
Types of Nutraceutical Businesses Accepted:
MerchantNegotiators, through its partners, can provide credit card processing for a wide array of nutra businesses. That includes nutraceutical businesses that provide products related to Anti-Aging, Blood Sugar Balance, Dietary Supplements, Herbal Products, Botanicals, Fat Burners, Immune Health, Nutritional Beverages, Skin Care Products, Male Enhancement, Sexual Enhancement, Libido Boosters, Stress Management, Mood Enhancement, Legal Hemp Oils and CBD Cannabidiod Products, Vitamins, Weight Loss and Workout Supplements. Types of nutraceutical collection companies for which we can provide credit card processing include:
- Startup businesses and existing businesses
- Previously rejected or dropped by another processor
- High chargeback or bad credit merchants
- Merchants who appear on the TMF or Match List
- Processing Minimums: $0 Minimum for Domestic Accounts, $50,000 for Offshore Accounts
- Domestic (US entity, US business representative, US bank account) and Offshore
Contact Us for More Help Obtaining a Nutra Merchant Account:
As a global leader in providing references for nutraceutical businesses to obtain merchant account services,’s expert team can help you receive a merchant account for your online, shopping cart, recurring billing or free trial nutraceutical business in as little as 24 hours. Contact us today at 1-877-296-3690 to discuss your nutraceutical company’s credit card processing options