Accepting PC Tech Support businesses, they offer US, Euro & Offshore accounts, with integrated gateway and chargeback avoidance. Fast approvals and accepts new businesses.
- All Tech Support
- Accepts New Businesses
- No Application Fee

Accepting a wide range of businesses, they only accept US owned tech support businesses. Offers fast approvals and accepts new businesses.
- Accepts US Tech Support
- Accepts New Businesses
- No Application Fee
A company that exclusively offers offshore merchant accounts via sponsor banks located throughout the world. Ideal for Indian tech support companies without a US bank account.
- No Contract
- Offshore Only
- $40k min. monthly volume
Accepting a wide range of e-Commerce and MOTO businesses, they offer free gateway & ecommerce integration, 24/7 customer service, and cheap pricing.
- Free Equipment
- Accepts High-Risk
- 24/7 Customer Support
Best Tech Support Merchant Services Options
If you run a tech support business you need reliable credit card processing at affordable rates. Unfortunately, there are not many merchant account providers that provide Indian, U.S. or U.K based tech support businesses with merchant accounts, and even fewer that offer reliable credit card processing at affordable rates.
This is because the tech support industry is often regarded as “high-risk” due to the industries potential for a high chargeback rate. Consequently, if you’ve already applied for a merchant account for your tech support business, it’s quite likely that you’ve been rejected by a traditional low risk credit card processing company. Thankfully, however, there are some good options.
Domestic and Offshore Options lists with a number of processors and sponsor banks that provide both domestic and offshore tech support merchant accounts. They can provide tech support merchant accounts for:
Domestic Tech Support Merchant Account Requirements:
- UK or US based company entity.
- UK or US based company owner.
- UK or US bank account
- Business operations can be based globally
Offshore Tech Support Merchant Account Requirements:
- Minimum $75,000 USD per month in sales
- Company can be based anywhere including India
- No US or UK representative required
Pricing & Contract Terms
If you are looking for a tech support merchant account, consider applying at one of the merchant account providers listed on this page in order to establish a merchant account for your tech support business. If you apply or choose to call the provider, you’ll typically discuss the following:
Pricing Available:
- Discount Rates ranging from 1.95% to 12.00%
- Authorization Rates ranging from: $0.20 to $1.00
- Monthly Fees: Rates ranging from $5.00 per month to $249.00 per month
Other Contract Terms:
- Rolling Reserve requirements ranging from: 0% rolling reserve, to 25% rolling reserve
- Holdback Periods: Requirements ranging from 21 days, to 1 day.
- Contract Length: Month to Month is available
- No Application Fee
- Direct funding with regular deposits (either daily or weekly depending on offshore v. onshore)
Additional Benefits:
Some of the credit card processors and / or their sponsor banks listed on this page, can offer tech support companies the following additional benefits:
- In house expert underwriting
- Instant approvals
- Multiple currency acceptance and deposits
- Compatible with most major gateways and shopping carts
- Visa / MasterCard / American Express Acceptance
- MOTO (phone / mail), eCommerce, and swipe accepted.
- Compatibility with over 50 processing gateways
- Integration assistance with over 100 shopping carts
- Chargeback prevention & avoidance
- Chargeback fighting
- 3DS processing
- eCheck processing
- Online Gateways with chargeback prevention / screening
Types of Tech Support Businesses Accepted:
The merchant account providers, credit card processors and / or sponsor banks can provide merchant accounts for a wide array of technical support businesses. That includes tech support businesses that offer remote assistance, Mac or PC security services, hardware and router configuration, browser support, email support, and PC optimization. Types of tech support businesses for which we can provide credit card processing include:
- Startup businesses and existing businesses
- Previously rejected or dropped by another processor
- High chargeback or bad credit merchants
- Merchants who Meet Processing Minimums: $0 Minimum for Domestic Accounts, $75,000 for Offshore Accounts
- Domestic (US entity, US business owner, US bank account) and Offshore
Contact a Merchant Account Provider Obtain a Technical Support Merchant Account
As global leaders in providing tech support businesses with merchant account services, the organizations listed above may be able to assist tech support business in as little as 24 hours obtain a merchant account.